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Parents and Offspring

Parents and Offspring

TEKS Objective

The student is expected to explore that some characteristics of organisms are inherited such as the number of limbs on an animal or flower color and recognize that some behaviors are learned in response to living in a certain environment such as animals using tools to get food.

Essential Understanding

The student knows that organisms undergo similar life processes and have structures that help them survive within their environments.

Science Background

What Is Heredity? Genetic Science Learning Center (website) - A slideshow/tutorial that explains how traits are passed from parents to offspring.

What Is Heredity?
Genetic Science Learning Center,

Mendel’s First Law of Genetics: North Dakota State University (website) - Mendel's laws form the theoretical basis of our understanding of the genetics of inheritance. This site provides an excellent, detailed overview of Mendel’s work and key contributions to genetics research.

Mendel’s First Law of Genetics
North Dakota State University,

Signature Lesson

Family Traits Trivia: University of Utah (website) - Families share many traits because children inherit characteristics from their parents. In this activity, students explore traits they share with their parents and other family members, as well as traits that are unique to them.

Family Traits Trivia
University of Utah,

Supporting Lessons

Changing Cicada: Science NetLinks (website) - Students explore the life cycle of periodical cicadas (insects) to study how offspring are very much, but not exactly, like their parents.

Changing Cicada
Science NetLinks,

Elaboration Lessons and Extensions

Generations of Traits: University of Utah (website) - Students track and record the passage of “traits" through three generations of “ginger-bread people,” discovering that traits are passed from parents to offspring and that all siblings may not receive the same traits from their parents.

Generations of Traits
University of Utah,

Assessment Ideas

Click on the link below and print one or more copies of the photograph, which shows two dog parents and their puppies. Ask students to observe the photograph and select one of the offspring. Have each student describe, in writing, three ways in which the selected puppy resembles one or both parents, and three ways in which it is different.

Havanese Litter

Literature Connections

Animals and Their Young. Hickman, Pamela (ISBN-13: 978-1553370628)

How Animals care for their Babies. National Geographic (ISBN-13: 978-0792234074)

Who Grows Up in the Desert? Longenecker, Theresa (ISBN-13: 978-1404802063)

Who Grows Up in the Forest? Longenecker, Theresa (ISBN-13: 978-1404802070)

Who Grows Up in the Farm? Longenecker, Theresa (ISBN-13: 978-1404800298)

Who Grows Up in the Ocean? Longenecker, Theresa (ISBN-13: 978-1404802087)

Who Grows Up in the Snow? Longenecker, Theresa (ISBN-13: 978-1404802100)

Who Grows Up in the Rain Forest? Longenecker, Theresa (ISBN-13: 978-1404800274)

Blame Your Parents: Inherited Traits. Silverman, Buffy (ISBN-13: 978-1410928580)

Related Science TEKS

(3.10A) Adaptations
The student is expected to explore how structures and functions of plants and animals allow them to survive in a particular environment.

(3.10C) Life Cycles
The student is expected to investigate and compare how animals and plants undergo a series of orderly changes in their diverse life cycles such as tomato plants, frogs, and lady bugs.

Related Math TEKS

3.13A  The student is expected to collect, organize, record, and display data in pictographs and bar graphs where each picture or cell might represent more than one piece of data.

3.13B   The student is expected to interpret information from pictographs and bar graphs.

3.13C   The student is expected to use data to describe events as more likely than, less likely than, or equally likely as.

3.14B   The student is expected to solve problems that incorporate understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness.

3.14C   The student is expected to select or develop an appropriate problem-solving plan or strategy, including drawing a picture, looking for a pattern, systematic guessing and checking, acting it out, making a table, working a simpler problem, or working backwards to solve a problem.

3.14D  The student is expected to use tools such as real objects, manipulatives, and technology to solve problems.

3.15A  The student is expected to explain and record observations using objects, words, pictures, numbers, and technology.

Additional Resources

Traits Activities: Learn Genetics (website) - Choose from serveral different activites that deal with inherited traits such as "Traits Bingo" and "A Tree of Genetic Traits".

Traits Activities
Learn Genetics,

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