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Professional Organizations

Professional Organizations

Professional organizations are an important resource for educators. They provide access to new lesson ideas; cutting edge science education research findings; information about national or state initiatives targeted to standards, assessment, or instruction; professional interaction with peers; and more. Join one or several organizations, and take advantage of their conferences, publications and professional development opportunities.

Council for Elementary Teachers International
An international organization whose mission is to stimulate, improve and coordinate science teaching at preschool and elementary school levels.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
A national organization aiming to be a public voice of mathematics education; and to provide vision, leadership and professional development that supports teachers and ensures equitable mathematics learning of the highest quality for all students.

National Marine Educators Association
A national organization dedicated to bringing together those interested in the study and enjoyment of both fresh and saltwater, and to providing a focus for marine and aquatic studies worldwide. 

National Science Education Leadership Association
National organization of more than 1,200 members who hold a variety of science education leadership positions, such as science department heads, supervisors, coordinators, university science and science education faculty, administrators, science resource teachers, teacher advocates, and elementary science lead teachers. NSELA also has more than 15 affiliated state leadership groups.

National Science Teachers Association
A national organization committed to promoting excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all. NSTA holds three regional conferences each Fall and a national conference each Spring.

Science Teachers Association of Texas
Statewide science organization of teachers dedicated to advancing science teaching and learning by building a network for Texas educators.

Texas Computer Education Association
The largest state organization of its kind, seeks to improve teaching and learning through the use of computers and technology.

Texas Council for Elementary Science
State organization whose aim is to promote the improvement of science programs, in a continuum that begins at the preschool level and develops in a sustained, integrated fashion through grade 12 and beyond. 

Texas Marine Education Association
State association which promotes marine education at all levels, from kindergarten through college, by supporting teachers by organizing activities that enable teachers to share mutual interests in marine education, identifying teachers willing to share their expertise with peers, and providing workshops and field trip resources.

Texas Science Education Leadership Association
State organization seeking to lead science education in Texas. Its membership includes science department heads, science supervisors and coordinators, university science and science education faculty and administrators, science resource teachers, teacher advocates, elementary science lead teachers and others.

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