Primary Balances
TEKS Objective
The student is expected to collect data from observations using simple equipment such as hand lenses, primary balances, thermometers, and non-standard measurement tools.
Essential Understanding
The student develops abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry in classroom and outdoor investigations.
Science Background
Mass vs. Weight: NASA (video) - Build your understanding of the difference between mass and weight with this video produced on the International Space Station.
Signature Lesson
How Much Does it Weigh? Vermillion Parish (LA) School District (website) - Students predict, measure and compare the weight/mass and volume of different solids and liquids using observation and a primary balance.
How Much Does it Weight?
Vermillion Parish (LA) School District,
- Supporting Lessons
- Extensions
- Assessment Ideas
- Literature Connections
- Related
TEKS - Additional Resources
Supporting Lessons
Measurable Attributes: Rhode Island Project (PDF) - Students compare objects through visual inspection, by holding the objects, and using a balance.
Elaboration Lessons and Extensions
Primer Balance Activity Guide: Ohaus Corporation (PDF) - Lessons that enable students explore how a primer balance is constructed, how it works, and what kinds of information it can provide.
Primer Balanace Activity Guide
Ohaus Corporation,
Make a Balance Scale: Ontario Parks (PDF) - Simple instructions on how to make a balance scale from a coat hanger and two yogurt containers.
Assessment Ideas
Have each student bring five appropriately sized objects from home and use a balance to rank the objects by mass.
Literature Connections
Millions to Measure. Schwartz, D. (ISBN- 13: 9780060848064)
Weighing the Elephant. Ting-xing, Ye (ISBN-13: 978-1550375275)
You Can Use a Balance. Bullock, Linda (ISBN-13: 9780516278995)
Additional Resources
Poddle Weigh In: PBS Kids (website) - This interactive game challenges student to determine the mass of different creatures, called “poddles,” using a virtual balance scale.
TEKS Navigation
Grade 2
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