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Data Representations

Data Representations

TEKS Objective

The student is expected to record and organize data using pictures, numbers, and words.

Essential Understanding

The student develops abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry in classroom and outdoor investigations.

Science Background

Setup and Collect Data: Discovery Education (website) - Information about the types of data (e.g., quantitative, qualitative) students can collect from an investigation.

Setup and Collect Data
Discovery Education,

Conducting a Science Experiment: Science Buddies (website) - Any successful investigation requires an accurate and thorough recording of data. This site is geared toward students, but provides solid strategies that a teacher can present to help students organize their scientific information.

Conducting a Science Experiment
Science Buddies,

Signature Lesson

Freckle Face: Illuminations Resources for Teaching Math (website) - Students collect and record information about a partner’s face, combine all data from the class, and organize the data into representative pictographs.

Freckle Face
Illuminations Resources for Teaching Math,

Supporting Lessons

The Eyes Have It: Illuminations Resources for Teaching Math (website) - In this investigation, students collect data about their classmates’ eye color and create bar graphs that organize and classify the data collected. Then they pose and answer questions based on the data, and find the range and mode.

The Eyes Have It
Illuminations Resources for Teaching Math,

Elaboration Lessons and Extensions

Up On Top: Illuminations Resources for Teaching Math (website) - Students generate bar graphs, which they use to devise and answer questions during an investigation related to hair color. Includes assessment and extensions.

Up On Top
Illuminations Resources for Teaching Math,

Assessment Ideas

Have students identify a research topic on which they would like to collect data (e.g., the number of pets owned by each of their classmates). Once all data have been gathered, instruct students to represent their findings in any form that is appropriate, or in several different forms (tables, charts, illustrations, etc.).

Literature Connections

The Great Graph Contest. Leedy, L. (ISBN-13: 978-0823417100)
Talley O’Malley. Murphy, S. (ISBN-13: 978-0060531645)

Related Science TEKS

(2.1A) Science Safety
The student is expected to identify and demonstrate safe practices as described in the Texas Safety Standards during classroom and outdoor investigations, including wearing safety goggles, washing hands, and using materials appropriately.

(2.1B) Importance of Safe Practices
The student is expected to describe the importance of safe practices.

(2.1C) Recycling/Disposal of Science Materials
The student is expected to identify and demonstrate how to use, conserve, and dispose of natural resources and materials such as conserving water and reuse or recycling of paper, plastic, and metal.

(2.2A) Ask Questions
The student is expected to ask questions about organisms, objects, and events during observations and investigations.

(2.2B) Plan and Conduct Descriptive Investigation
The student is expected to plan and conduct descriptive investigations such as how organisms grow.

(2.2D) Record and Organize Data & Observations
The student is expected to record and organize data using pictures, numbers, and words.

(2.2E) Communicate and Justify Explanations
The student is expected to communicate observations and justify explanations using student-generated data from simple descriptive investigations.

(2.2F) Comparing Results of Investigations
The student is expected to compare results of investigations with what students and scientists know about the world.

(2.3B) Make Predictions
The student is expected to make predictions based on observable patterns.

Related Math TEKS

2.12D    The student is expected to use tools such as real objects, manipulatives, and technology to solve problems.
2.13A    The student is expected to explain and record observations using objects, words, pictures, numbers, and technology.

Additional Resources

Create a Graph: National Center for Education Statistics (website) - Graphs or charts can help to make complicated information more understandable. This great website enables students to create and practice with different types of graphs and charts online.

Create a Graph
National Center for Education Statistics,

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