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Boiling Point of Water (°C)


Boiling Point of Water  (°C)

TEKS Objective

Students will identify the boiling and freezing/melting points of water on the Celsius scale.

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Essential Understanding

The student knows that (1) matter has measurable physical properties and (2) those properties determine how matter is classified, changed and used.

Science Background

Melting, Freezing and Boiling Point: Purdue University (website) - Explanations and information about the melting, freezing and boiling points of water and other substances.

Melting, Freezing, and Boiling Point
Purdue University,

Signature Lesson

What’s the Point? Connecting to Unifying Concepts through Physical Science (PDF) - This lesson helps students understand that boiling and melting points are properties of a substance that remain constant.

What’s the Point?
by Rosemary Martin, Suzanne Melton, and Dr. Karen L. Ostlund,

Supporting Lessons

A Matter of State: Science NetLinks (website) - By observing the behavior of hot water in a plastic milk container, students learn about the effects of temperature on particle movement.

A Matter of State
Science NetLinks,

Water and Ice: Science NetLinks (website) - Students observe and explore what happens to water as it changes from solid to liquid and back to solid, and they identify the freezing and melting points of water.

Water and Ice
Science NetLinks,



Elaboration Lessons and Extensions

The International Boiling Point Project: CIESE Collaborative Projects (website) - Through collaboration and experimentation, students discover and understand the correlation between elevation and the boiling point of water.

The International Boiling Point Project
by the Stevens Institute of Technology CIESE,

The Ups and Downs of Thermometers: American Chemical Society (website) - Students learn that the way a thermometer works is an example of heating and cooling a liquid.

The Ups and Downs of Thermometers
by the American Chemical Society,

Assessment Ideas

Give students the following list of substances and their boiling points. Have students rank the substances from highest to lowest boiling point, and identify which substances have lower boiling points than pure water and which ones have higher boiling points than pure water.

Olive oil:300° C
Sea water:100.7° C
Freon (refrigerant used in air conditioner units): 23.8° C
Rubbing alcohol: 97.5° C
Glycerine: 290° C

Literature Connections

Melting, Freezing, and Boiling: Science Projects with Matter, Gardner, R. (ISBN-13: 9780766025899)

Water as a Gas. Frost, Helen (ISBN: 978-0736848763)

Solid, Liquid, or Gas? Hewitt, Sally (ISBN: 978-0516263939)

Solids, Liquids, Gases. Simon, Charnan (ISBN: 978-0756509767)

Related Science TEKS

(5.1A) Science Safety
The student is expected to demonstrate safe practices and the use of safety equipment as described in the Texas Safety Standards during classroom and outdoor investigations.

(5.1B) Recycling/Disposal of Science Materials
The student is expected to make informed choices in the conservation, disposal, and recycling of materials.

(5.2) Scientific Methods
The student is expected to ask well-defined questions, formulate testable hypotheses, and select and use appropriate equipment and technology.

(5.2C) Collect Data
The student is expected to collect information by detailed observations and accurate measuring.

(5.2D) Analyze Evidence and Explain
The student is expected to analyze and interpret information to construct reasonable explanations from direct (observable) and indirect (inferred) evidence.

(5.2F) Communicate Conclusions
The student is expected to communicate valid conclusions in both written and verbal forms.

(5.2G) Graphs, Tables, Charts
The student is expected to construct appropriate simple graphs, tables, maps, and charts using technology, including computers, to organize, examine, and evaluate information.

(5.4) Science Tools
The student is expected to collect, record, and analyze information using tools, including calculators, microscopes, cameras, computers, hand lenses, metric rulers, Celsius thermometers, prisms, mirrors, pan balances, triple beam balances, spring scales, graduated cylinders, beakers, hot plates, meter sticks, magnets, collecting nets, and notebooks; timing devices, including clocks and stopwatches; and materials to support observations of habitats or organisms such as terrariums and aquariums.

(5.4B) Safety Equipment
The student is expected to use safety equipment, including safety goggles and gloves.

Related Math TEKS

(5.11A) The student is expected to solve problems involving changes in temperature.

(5.14D) The student is expected to use tools such as real objects, manipulatives, and technology to solve problems.

(5.15A) The student is expected to explain and record observations using objects, words, pictures, numbers, and technology.

Additional Resources

Changing State: BBC Schools Science Clips (website) - Experiment virtually with water as it changes from a solid to a liquid; observe what happens to gasses in a container.

Changing State
by the British Broadcasting Corporation,

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