Freezing and Melting Point of Water (°C)
TEKS Objective
Students will identify the boiling and freezing/melting points of water on the Celsius scale.
Essential Understanding
The student knows that (1) matter has measurable physical properties and (2) those properties determine how matter is classified, changed and used.
Science Background
Melting, Freezing and Boiling Point: Purdue University (website) - Research information on the melting, freezing and boiling points of water and other substances.
Melting, Freezing and Boiling Point
Purdue University,
Signature Lesson
Water and Ice: Science NetLinks (website) - Students explore what happens to water as it changes from solid to liquid and back again.
Water and Ice
Science NetLinks,
Melting and Freezing: Science NetLinks (website) - Students learn what happens to different substances as they change from a solid to a liquid or a liquid to a solid. Be certain to have students use thermometers to measure the temperature of the water from recently melted ice in this experiment.
Melting and Freezing
Science NetLinks,
- Supporting Lessons
- Extensions
- Assessment Ideas
- Literature Connections
- Related
TEKS - Additional Resources
Supporting Lessons
Deep Freeze: National Teacher Training Institute (website) - Students investigate the freezing point of liquids by making homemade ice cream.
Deep Freeze
by Nancy N. Miller, NTTI,
Disapperaring Water: Science NetLinks (website) - Students will observe, compare and contrast the results, over time, when equal amounts of water are placed into an open container and a closed container.
Disapperaring Water
Science NetLinks,
Elaboration Lessons and Extensions
Mpemba Effect, Freezing Hot Water Faster Than Cold: School for Champions (website) - Students compare the time it takes for water at various temperatures to freeze, when placed under the same conditions. Lesson extensions can be found under teacher background-Mpemba Effect.
Assessment Ideas
Have students answer the questions below in their journals, using words and/or pictures. Then allow students to explain their answers verbally.
- How can we turn water into ice?
- How can we turn ice into water?
- Where might we see water changing back and forth between solid and liquid form. Give two examples.
- Does water ever “get tired?” Do you think water ever will stop changing between liquid, solid and gas states?
Literature Connections
Melting, Freezing, and Boiling: Science Projects with Matter. Gardner, R. (ISBN-13: 978-0766025899)
Water as a Gas. Frost, Helen (ISBN: 978-0736848763)
Solid, Liquid, or Gas? Hewitt, Sally (ISBN-13: 978-0516263939)
Solids, Liquids, Gases. Simon, Charnan (ISBN-13: 978-0756509767)
Additional Resources
Changing State: BBC Schools Science Clips (website) - Experiment virtually with water as it changes from a solid to a liquid; observe what happens to gasses in a container.
Changing State
by the British Broadcasting Corporation,
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Grade 5
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