Water Cycle
TEKS Objective
The student is expected to describe the Sun as a star composed of gases that provides light and heat energy for the water cycle.
Essential Understanding
The student knows that there are recognizable patterns in the natural world and among objects in the sky.
Science Background
The Water Cycle: US Geological Survey (website) - Detailed graphic illustrates the water cycle and how it is driven by light and heat energy from the Sun.
The Water Cycle
Georgia Water Science for Schools, US Geological Survey, water.usgs.gov/edu
Waste Limitation Management and Recycling Design Challenge: NASA (website) - Earth’s hydrologic cycle is discussed in this detailed, downloadable educator guide about water recycling on space missions.
Waste Limitation Management and Recycling Design Challenge
NASA, www.nasa.gov
Signature Lesson
What is the Water Cycle? BioEd Online (website and video) – Students create and describe a water cycle model (constructed in a shoebox covered with clear plastic and powered by light and heat energy from the sun).
What is the Water Cycle? - Dowload the Lesson
BioEd Online, www.bioedonline.org
What is the Water Cycle? - Watch the Related Video
BioEd Online, www.bioedonline.org
- Supporting Lessons
- Extensions
- Assessment Ideas
- Literature Connections
- Related
TEKS - Additional Resources
Supporting Lessons
The Water Cycle: NASA Aquarius Project (website) - Students investigate Sun-driven evaporation and condensation in this experiment on the water cycle.
The Water Cycle
NASA Aquarius Project, aquarius.nasa.gov
Rain Machine (Solar Still): Florida Solar Energy Center (website) - Students construct and test a solar water purifying still that mimics Earth’s sun-driven hydrologic cycle. The downloadable activity can be found under the “Sun and Heat” section on the web page.
Rain Machine (Solar Still)
Florida Solar Energy Center, www.fsec.ucf.edu
Elaboration Lessons and Extensions
Mini Water Cycle: ABC Science (PDF) - This activity demonstrates evaporation, condensation and precipitation in a plastic tub filled with dirt, cling wrap and a pebble.
Assessment Ideas
Have students write a short story describing what happens to a drop of seawater when the Sun warms it. Their stories/essays should explain where the drop of water goes, and how it eventually gets back to the ocean.
Literature Connections
The Water Cycle. Trueit T. (ISBN: 978-0531162200)
The Water Cycle: Evaporation, Condensation & Erosion. Harman R. (ISBN: 978-1403470669)
Additional Resources
Water Science for Schools: US Geological Survey (website) - Lots of background information on water as a resource and its role global geology and climate.
Water Science for Schools
US Geological Survey, www.usgs.gov
Water Cycle: NASA Scientific Visualization Studio (website) - Beautiful downloadable animations of the water cycle.
Water Cycle
NASA Scientific Visualization Studio, svs.gsfc.nasa.gov
TEKS Navigation
Grade 3
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