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Sun is a Star

Sun is a Star

TEKS Objective

The student is expected to describe the Sun as a star composed of gases that provides light and heat energy for the water cycle.

Essential Understanding

The student knows that there are recognizable patterns in the natural world and among objects in the sky.

Science Background

The Sun: Nine Planets (website) - Brief description of the Sun and its properties.

The Sun
Nine Planets,

Solar System Exploration: NASA (website) - Information, images, and facts about the Sun and our solar system.

Solar System Exploration

The Water Cycle: US Geological Survey (website) - Detailed graphic illustrates the water cycle and how it is driven by energy from the Sun.

The Water Cycle
Georgia Water Science for Schools, US Geological Survey,

Signature Lesson

Are All Stars Like the Sun? NASA (PDF) – Students learn that the Sun is a star like other stars in the sky, and describe characteristics of the Sun in their science journals.

Are All Stars Like the Sun?

Supporting Lessons

Sun As A Star: NASA (website) - Downloadable collection of activities from NASA and the American Museum of Natural History about the properties and benefits of the Sun.

Sun As A Star

Elaboration Lessons and Extensions

The Science of the Sun: NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (PDF) - The “Size of Things” lesson, on page 33 of the educator guide, helps students understand that the Sun is the largest object in our solar system.

The Science of the Sun
Solar Dynamics Observatory, NASA,

Assessment Ideas

Have students write and illustrate short stories about the Sun and how it powers Earth’s water cycle.

Literature Connections

Our Very Own Star: The Sun, NASA (downloadable)

Our Very Own Star

Sun. Vogt G. (ISBN: 978-0736888929)

The Sun. Simon S. (ISBN: 978-0688092368)

Related Science TEKS

(3.8C) Sun, Earth and Moon
The student is expected to construct models that demonstrate the relationship of the Sun, Earth, and Moon, including orbits and positions.

(3.8D) Solar System
The student is expected to identify the planets in Earth's solar system and their position in relation to the Sun.

Related Math TEKS

3.11.A The student is expected to use linear measurement tools to estimate and measure lengths using standard units.

3.15.A The student is expected to describe activities that take approximately one second, one minute, and one hour.

Additional Resources

Solar and Heliospheric Observatory: European Space Agency and NASA (website) - Extensive catalog of downloadable images and videos of the Sun.

Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
European Space Agency and NASA,

Solar Events: Yohkoh Public Outreach Project (website) - Images and videos of the Sun, produced by an X-ray telescope on board the Yohkoh satellite.

Solar Events
Yohkoh Public Outreach Project,

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