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TEKS Objective

Recognize how landforms such as deltas, canyons, and sand dunes are the result of changes to Earth’s surface by wind, water and ice.

Essential Understanding

The student knows Earth’s surface is constantly changing and consists of useful resources.

Science Background

Landforms of Glaciation: Physical (website) - Because of their abilities to erode soil and rock, and transport or deposit sediments, glaciers have important roles in shaping some landscapes. Find an overview here..

Landforms of Glaciation

How Do Glaciers Affect the Land? National Snow and Ice Data Center (website) - Learn how glaciers carve fjords and chisel mountains, such as Switzerland’s famous Matterhorn.

How Do Glaciers Affect the Land?
National Snow and Ice Data Center

Common Questions and Myths about Glaciers: USGS (website) - Find answers to questions such as, Why are glaciers blue? Is glacier ice colder than regular ice?

Common Questions and Myths About Glaciers
US Geological Survey

Signature Lesson

Glaciers: Antarctica, 90 Degrees South (website) - Students recognize how glaciers cause changes in the Earth’s surface by creating a “glacier” and observing the effects of its movement.

Glaciers Lesson
Antarctica, 90 Degrees South

Supporting Lessons

Plaster and Ice: ScienceViews (website) - Background information on weathering, and an activity on ice weathering that demonstrates the power of frozen water.

Plaster and Ice

Weathering and Erosion: Illinois State Museum Geology Online (PDF) - Students explore the process and effects of erosion by ice. Have student teams complete Part II, Erosion Stations 2, 3 and 5.

Weathering and Erosion
Illinois State Museum Geology Online,

Elaboration Lessons and Extensions

Shape It Up: Science NetLinks (website) - Students identify the geologic processes (such as wind or ice) and timeframe behind the formation of different landforms, using an online interactive game.

Shape It Up
Science NetLinks

Erosion: Ask ERIC Lesson Plans (website) - Series of activities that demonstrate various types of erosion, increase students’ awareness of erosion, and enable students to make intelligent decisions about land use.

Ask ERIC Lesson Plans,

Assessment Ideas

Shape It Up! An Earth Changing Erosion Activity: Kinetic City (website) - Use this animation to assess how much students have learned about erosion.

Shape It Up! An Earth Changing Erosion Activity
Kinetic City,

Literature Connections

Cracking Up: A Story About Erosion. Bailey, Jacqui (ISBN-10: 1404819967)

Mountains. Collier, Michael (ISBN: 9781931414180)

Weathering and Erosion: Wearing Down Rocks. Hoffman, Steven M. (ISBN-10: 1448827116)

Erosion (Early Bird Earth Science). Riley, Joelle (ISBN-10: 0822559498)

Learning about Rocks, Weathering, and Erosion with Graphic Organizers. Estigarribia, Diana (ISBN-10: 1404250425)

The Disappearing Mountain and Other Earth Mysteries: Erosion and Weathering. Spilsbury, Richard and Lingard, Darren (ISBN-10: 1410919552)

Weathering and Erosion (Looking at Landscapes). Gifford, Clive (ISBN-10: 1583407316)

Related Science TEKS

(5.7A) Formation of Rocks and Fossil Fuels
The student is expected to explore the processes that led to the formation of sedimentary rocks and fossil fuels.

(5.7D) Fossils
The student is expected to identify fossils as evidence of past living organisms and the nature of the environment at the time using models.

Related Math TEKS

5.10C   The student is expected to select and use appropriate units and formulas to measure length, perimeter, area, and volume.

Additional Resources

Our Environment: Glaciers – Interactive (website) – Interactive, narrated animations about glaciers.

Our Environment: Glaciers Interactive
Summits of Canada

Erosion Unit: Hotchalk (website) - Students identify and predict the outcomes of various forms of erosion.

Erosion Unit

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