Igneous Rocks
TEKS Objective
The student is expected to explore the processes that led to the formation of sedimentary rocks and fossil fuels.
Essential Understanding
The student knows Earth's surface is constantly changing and consists of useful resources.
Science Background
Rocks and Minerals: US Geological Survey (website) - Basic information about the types of rock, with particular attention to igneous rock formation, with pictures and text.
Rocks and Minerals
US Geological Survey, www.geomaps.wr.usgs.gov
Igneous Rocks: Oracle ThinkQuest (website) - Activity focused on the formation and characteristics of igneous rocks.
Igneous Rocks
Oracle ThinkQuest, www.library.thinkquest.org
Naming Igneous Rocks: US Geological Survey (website) - Students learn about the naming of igneous rocks, which is based on chemical composition.
Naming Igneous Rocks
US Geological Survey, www.geomaps.wr.usgs.gov
Resources for Teachers and Students of Geoscience in Texas: Bureau of Economic Geology (website) - Numerous resources related to geology and Earth science, including links to publications, a virtual rock kit, Earthview Texas, and more.
Signature Lesson
Igneous Rocks/Volcanoes: The Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc. (website) - Students differentiate between the two types of igneous rock and identify where they come from.
- Supporting Lessons
- Extensions
- Assessment Ideas
- Literature Connections
- Related
TEKS - Additional Resources
Supporting Lessons
Igneous Rocks: National Park Service (website) - This game allows students to act as molecules of rock minerals that solidify to form various igneous rocks.
Elaboration Lessons and Extensions
Igneous Rock: Rogers Group (website) - Students learn how igneous rock forms, and that there are different types of igneous rock (intrusive and extrusive). They also create an edible igneous rock model.
Assessment Ideas
Rock Data Sheet: K8 Science/BioEd Online (PDF) - Every rock holds clues to how it was formed. Geologists are like “rock detectives” who know how to read these clues and the stories each rock can tell. For this activity, students will receive sample of igneous rock to observe. As an assessment, have them write their own versions of how their rock samples formed and complete the Rock Data Sheet.
Literature Connections
Igneous Rocks. Cefrey, Holly. (ISBN: 0823964647)
Rocks and Minerals (Pocket). Fuller, Sue. (ISBN: 0789497603)
Let's Go Rock Collecting. Gans Roma. (ISBN: 0-064-45170-4)
A Look at Rocks: From Coal to Kimberlite. Kittinger, Jo S. (ISBN: 0-531-15887-X)
Rocks and Minerals. Pellant, Chris. (ISBN: 0789491060)
The Magic School Bus Inside the Earth. Cole, Joanna. (ISBN: 0-590-40760-0)
Additional Resources
Rocks and Minerals: Proteacher.com (website) - Check out this creative collection of geology ideas.
Rocks and Minerals
Proteacher Community, www.proteacher.com
Multimedia Rock Types: FOSSweb (website) - Students compare common rock types. To get started, teachers must create username and password for students to use by visiting the following website.
TEKS Navigation
Grade 5
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