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Fossil Fuel Formation


Fossil Fuel Formation

TEKS Objective

The student is expected to explore the processes that led to the formation of sedimentary rocks and fossil fuels.

Essential Understanding

The student knows Earth's surface is constantly changing and consists of useful resources.

Science Background

Fossil Fuels: Environmental Literacy Council (website) - Brief overview of fossil fuels (formation and uses), with links to other sites for more in-depth information.

Fossil Fuels
Environmental Literacy Council,

Where Fossil Fuels Come From: EnergyQuest (website) - Information about fossil fuel formation, location, characteristics and uses.

Where Fossil Fuels Come From
California Energy Commission, Energy Quest,

The Global Carbon Cycle: BioEd Online (video) - Presentation on the carbon cycle, fossil fuels and related topics.

The Global Carbon Cycle
BioEd Online,

About Coal: American Coal Foundation (website) - Coal-related educational materials for teachers, students and the general public.

All About Coal
American Coal Foundation,

Signature Lesson

Geomuffin: BioEd Online (website) - Using a specially prepared muffin as a model, your class will “drill” for fossil fuels, and identify processes and materials that lead to the formation of fossil fuels.

BioEd Online,

Supporting Lessons

Coal Formation: American Coal Foundation (website) - Students simulate coal formation and practice the essential laboratory skills of hypothesizing, observing and explaining their findings.

Coal Formation
American Coal Foundation,

Cookie Monster’s Delight: WNET Educational Initiatives (website) - Students learn about the wise use of coal and other non-renewable resources through inquiry, hands-on activities and problem solving.

Cookie Monster’s Delight
WNET Educational Initiatives,

No Fossils in this Fuel: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (PDF) - Investigation in which students make ethanol in the classroom and learn about renewable and non-renewable resources.

No Fossils in this Fuel
National Renewable Energy Laboratory,

Elaboration Lessons and Extensions

Cookie Mining: American Coal Foundation (website) - Simulate and learn about the mining process using chocolate chip cookies and toothpicks.

Cookie Mining
American Coal Foundation,

Assessment Ideas

Have each group of students produce a mural depicting the life cycle of a fossil fuel (i.e., oil, coal, natural gas). Explain the assessment criteria, which may be of your own design or those listed below.

  • The mural accurately depicts the life cycle of a fossil fuel, in proper sequence.
  • It is evident that research was conducted.
  • All students participated equally in creating the mural.
  • The mural includes clear, neat labels and a title.
  • The mural is colorful; artistic details were added.

Literature Connections

A Look at Rocks: From Coal to Kimberlite. Kittinger, Jo S. (ISBN: 0-531-15887-X)

The Magic School Bus Inside the Earth. Cole, Joanna (ISBN: 0-590-40760-0)

What's So Bad About Gasoline? Fossil Fuels and What They Do. Rockwell, A. and Meisel, P. (ISBN-10: 0061575275)

What If We Run Out of Fossil Fuels? Miller, Kimberly M. (ISBN-10: 0516234781)

Fossil Fuels. Friedman, Lauri S. (ISBN-13: 9781601520791)

Related Science TEKS

(5.7B) Changes in Landforms from Weathering and Erosion
The student is expected to recognize how landforms such as deltas, canyons, and sand dunes are the result of changes to Earth’s surface by wind, water and ice.

(5.7D) Fossils
The student is expected to identify fossils as evidence of past living organisms and the nature of the environment at the time using models.

Related Math TEKS

5.12B   The student is expected to use experimental results to make predictions.

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