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Changes Caused by Heating and Cooling

Changes Caused by Heating and Cooling

TEKS Objective

Students will compare changes in materials caused by heating and cooling.

Essential Understanding

The student knows that matter has physical properties and those properties determine how it is described, classified, changed, and used.

Science Background

Changing States of Matter: CHEM4Kids (website) – Clear concise description of how all matter can move from one state to another.

Changing States of Matter
by Andrew Rader, CHEM4Kids,

Signature Lesson

Water and Ice: Science NetLinks (website) - Students explore what happens to water as it changes from solid to liquid and back again.

Water and Ice
Science NetLinks,

Melting and Freezing: Science NetLinks (website) - Students explore what happens to different substances as they change from a solid to a liquid or a liquid to a solid.

Melting and Freezing
Science NetLinks,

Supporting Lessons

Safe Food Preparation: BioEd Online (website) – Provides another simple recipe for making healthy orange-flavored ice cream in ziplock bags. Be sure to have students measure the temperature of their ice-cream mixtures before and after freezing.

Safe Food Preparation
BioEd Online,

Elaboration Lessons and Extensions

Mpemba Effect, Freezing Hot Water Faster Than Cold: School For Champions (website) - Students compare the time is takes to freeze water at various starting temperatures, under the same conditions. Lesson extensions can be found under teacher background-Mpemba Effect.

Mpemba Effect, Freezing Hot Water Faster Than Cold
by Ron Kurtus, School For Champions,

Assessment Ideas

Water and Ice: Science NetLinks (website) - Includes an assessment in which students use their journals to answer a series of questions.

Water and Ice
Science NetLinks,

Literature Connections

Melting, Freezing, and Boiling Science Projects with Matter. Gardner, R. (ISBN-13: 978-0766025899)

Change It! Solids, Liquids, Gases and You. Mason, A. (ISBN-13: 978-1553378389)


Related Science TEKS

(2.1A) Science Safety
The student is expected to identify and demonstrate safe practices as described in the Texas Safety Standards during classroom and outdoor investigations, including wearing safety goggles, washing hands, and using materials appropriately.

(2.1B) Importance of Safe Practices
The student is expected to describe the importance of safe practices.

(2.1C) Recycling/disposal of Science Materials
The student is expected to identify and demonstrate how to use, conserve, and dispose of natural resources and materials such as conserving water and reuse or recycling of paper, plastic, and metal.

(2.2A) Ask Questions
The student is expected to ask questions about organisms, objects, and events during observations and investigations.

(2.2B) Plan and Conduct Descriptive Investigation
The student is expected to plan and conduct descriptive investigations such as how organisms grow.

(2.2C) Collect Data
The student is expected to collect data from observations using simple equipment such as hand lenses, primary balances, thermometers, and non-standard measurement tools.

(2.2D) Record and Organize Data & Observations
The student is expected to record and organize data using pictures, numbers, and words.

(2.2E) Communicate and Justify Explanations
The student is expected to communicate observations and justify explanations using student-generated data from simple descriptive investigations.

(2.2F) Comparing Results of Investigations
The student is expected to compare results of investigations with what students and scientists know about the world.

(2.3B) Make Predictions
The student is expected to make predictions based on observable patterns.

Related Math TEKS

2.12D  The student is expected to use tools such as real objects, manipulatives, and technology to solve problems.

2.13A  The student is expected to explain and record observations using objects, words, pictures, numbers, and technology.

Additional Resources

Changing State: BBC Schools Science Clips (website) - Students experiment virtually with water as it changes from a solid to a liquid, and also observe what happens to gases in a container.

Changing State
BBC Schools Science Clips,

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