Bird Life Cycle (Chicken)
TEKS Objective
The student is expected to observe and record life cycles of animals such as a chicken, frog, or fish.
Essential Understanding
The student knows that organisms resemble their parents and have structures and processes that help them survive within their environments.
Science Background
Parenthood: Public Broadcasting System (website) - Bird parenting is described as part of a PBS program on The Life of Birds by David Attenborough.
Public Broadcasting System,
What Is a Chicken? University of Illinois Extension (website) - Basic facts about domestic chickens.
What Is a Chicken?
University of Illinois Extension,
Signature Lesson
Hatching Chickens: Science NetLinks (website) – Students learn about the chicken life cycle by observing and discussing a video segment of a chick hatching from an egg.
- Supporting Lessons
- Extensions
- Assessment Ideas
- Literature Connections
- Related
TEKS - Additional Resources
Supporting Lessons
Bringing Up Birdy: PBS (website) - This lesson uses the eagle to model avian life stages. Students observe and record eagle development through the stages of egg, chick, fledgling, juvenile and adult using online videos segments.
Bringing Up Birdy
Hatching Eggs in the Classroom: Texas Agriculture Extension Service (PDF) - Hatching chicken eggs in the classrooms gives students first-hand opportunities to observe and record the life cycle of chickens. This guide provides complete instructions.
Hatching Eggs in the Classroom
Texas Agriculture Extension Service,
Elaboration Lessons and Extensions
NestCams: Cornell Lab of Ornithology (website) - Live and archived video footage of egg laying, nesting behavior and fledglings of a variety of birds. Visit one of the live video feeds over several days to engage your students in the hidden behaviors of wild birds and their young.
Cornell Lab of Ornithology NestCams
Welcome to Life Cycle (Hatching Chicken Eggs): Reach Teach Grow (PDF) - Learn the steps of a life cycle using a chicken as an example. This lesson plan integrates the concept of life cycle throughout the content areas and includes learning center ideas.
Welcome to Life Cycle (Hatching Chicken Eggs)
Reach Teach Grow,
From Egg to Chick: Chickscope, University of Illinois (website) - Basic information about chicken incubation procedures from obtaining hatching eggs to how the chick emerges from the shell.
From Egg to Chick
Chickscope, University of Illinois,
Assessment Ideas
Life Science Worksheets and Printables: (website) - Assess the life cycle of different animals using the worksheets and printables found on this website.
Life Science Worksheets and Printables,
Literature Connections
A Chick Grows Up. Zollman, Pam (ISBN-13: 978-0516249445)
An Egg Is Quiet. Ashton, Dianna (ISBN-13: 978-0811844284)
From Egg to Robin, Kottke, Jan (ISBN-13: 978- 0516235080)
Starting Life Series - Duck. Llewellyn, Claire. (ISBN-13: 978-1559718783)
Chickens Aren’t the Only Ones. Heller, Ruth (ISBN-13: 978-0698117785)
Where Do Chicks Come From? Sklansky, Amy (ISBN-13: 978-0064452120)
Additional Resources
Poultry Science Fertile Egg Orders: Texas A & M College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (website) - Order fertilized Single Comb White Leghorn chicken eggs from Texas A & M University.
Bird Life Cycle: Exploring Nature Educational Resources (website) - Birds are born inside hard-shelled eggs. For many days to weeks they are protected and kept warm by their parents. Learn more about the life cycle of birds as you read this link.
Bird Life Cycle
Exploring Nature Educational Resources,
TEKS Navigation
Grade 1
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The live "nestcams" currently is featuring a Great Horned Owl here in Houston!