Air and Wind
TEKS Objective
The student is expected to demonstrate that air is all around us and observe that wind is moving air.
Essential Understanding
The student knows that the natural world includes the air around us and objects in the sky.
Science Background
Wind: Exploring Weather (website) - Learn about the causes of wind, the names and characteristics of global and local wind patterns, and the potential of wind as a source of energy.
Exploring Weather,
The Weather Channel: (website) - Find news, information, photos and video about weather in your area and across the country.
Signature Lesson
Wind Scale: FOSSWEB (PDF) - Observe and record changes in wind speed and wind direction by making wind vanes, pinwheels and a simple anemometer.
- Supporting Lessons
- Extensions
- Assessment Ideas
- Literature Connections
- Related
TEKS - Additional Resources
Supporting Lessons
Learn Where Wind Comes From: (website) - Demonstrate how wind is created with this simple investigation.
Learn Where Wind Comes From
by Shar Levine and Leslie Johnstone,
Elaboration Lessons and Extensions
Make a Wind Vane: (website) - Use inexpensive materials to make a science tool that indicates wind direction and speed.
Assessment Ideas
Exploring Air, Air Toys: FOSSWEB (website) - Have students look at home for a toy that uses air to work. If they do not find such a toy, they should try to invent a design for one. Instruct students to draw a picture of the toy they found or invented, and explain how it works.
Literature Connections
Wind. Canizares, Susan (ISBN: 0590107267)
Watching the Wind. Eckart, Edana (ISBN: 0516259415)
Air. Meachen Rau, Dana (ISBN: 0761430423)
Additional Resources
The Case of the Phenomenal Weather: NASA SCI Files™ (website) - Learn about violent storms, weather fronts, global wind patterns and climate. Scroll down to the middle of the page to view a video and download a lesson guide.
The Case of the Phenomenal Weather
TEKS Navigation
Grade 1
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