Scientific Presentations
TEKS Objective
Communicate valid conclusions in both written and verbal forms.
Essential Understanding
The student uses scientific methods during laboratory and outdoor investigations.
Science Background
Scientific Communication, Peer Review: Visionlearning (website) - Detailed information on the process, purpose and importance of peer review for journal articles, grant submissions and other professional documents created by scientists. Includes references for further reading and additional learning modules.
Scientific Communication: Scitable (website) – Wealth of information about oral, written and poster presentations appropriate for use with all levels of students.
Scientific Communication
Scitable, Nature Education,
Signature Lesson
Does Soap Float? Science NetLinks (website) – Students learn about the scientific process by investigating the central question: Does soap float? Have students describe their findings as a written report or as a poster, and use the written report or poster as the basis for an oral presentation to the class.
- Supporting Lessons
- Extensions
- Assessment Ideas
- Literature Connections
- Related
TEKS - Additional Resources
Supporting Lessons
Break the Tension, A Water Experiment: (website) - Students experiment with surface tension in water, and then communicate their conclusions verbally and in writing.
Break the Tension, A Water Experiment
by Alicia Danyali,
Elaboration Lessons and Extensions
How to Deliver a Good Oral Presentation: Discovery Education (website) - Tips for students (and their teachers) to overcome the natural apprehension of public speaking and deliver strong oral presentations.
How to Deliver a Good Oral Presentation
Discovery Education,
Assessment Ideas
Evaluation Rubric for Science Presentations: Tempe Union High School District (website) - Use this rubric to score students’ oral, written or poster presentations.
Oral Presentation Rubric: rubistar (website) - Complete rubric including 8 catagories at 4 levels.
Oral Presentation Rubric
Literature Connections
A+Projects: Winning Experiments for Science Fair. Vancleave, Janice (ISBN-13: 978-0471331025)
What’s the Plan? Designing Your Experiment. Hyde, Natalie (ISBN-13: 978-0778751540)
Additional Resources
Communication and Leadership: BioEd Online (video) - View three videos, by expert Tracy Volz, PhD, to strengthen presentation and professional relations skills: Dynamite PPT Design; Planning and Preparing for a Leadership Presentation; and Enhancing Your Leadership Presence.
Enhancing Your Leadership Presence
BioEd Online,
Planning and Preparing for a Leadership Presentation
BioEd Online,
Dynamite PPT Design
BioEd Online,
Science Notebooks in K12 Classrooms: Science Notebooks (website) - Examples of student work from science notebooks, guidance to incorporate science notebooks into your class activities, and strategies to integrate all content areas using notebooks.
Science Notebooks in K12 Classrooms
Science Notebooks,
TEKS Navigation
Grade 5
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