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TEKS Objective

The student is expected to describe how the flow of energy derived from the Sun, used by producers to create their own food, is transferred through a food chain and food web to consumers and decomposers.

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Essential Understanding

The student knows that there are relationships, systems, and cycles within environments.

Science Background

Another Link in the Food Chain: Geography4Kids (website) - Quick review of the major components of food chains, along with an explanation of producers, consumers and decomposers, and their interactions.

Another Link in the Food Chain

Decay, Bacteria and Fungi: BBC Bitesize Science (website) - Decay is an essential life process, which helps to digest food and recycle materials. Read on for helpful information about bacteria and fungi, the main groups of decomposers.

Decay, Bacteria and Fungi
BBC Bitesize Science,

Signature Lesson

They’re Everywhere, Bacteria: BioEd Online (website) - Students grow and compare bacteria collected from a variety of locations, learning that bacteria are everywhere, need food to grow, and can cause illness. Students discover that bacteria are important decomposers that derive energy from the Sun, via producers and consumers in different food chains and food webs.

They’re Everywhere, Bacteria
BioEd Online,

Supporting Lessons

Scavengers and Decomposers: Cal Recycle (PDF) – Students explore the process of decomposition and draw conclusions about the important role played by decomposers.

Scavengers and Decomposers
Cal Recycle,

Decomposers and Scavengers: New Hampshire Public Television (website) - Students watch a video (see “Watch” link at top of page) and learn about the importance and the role of decomposers and scavengers in the environment.

Decomposers and Scavengers
New Hampshire Public Television,

Elaboration Lessons and Extensions

Cycle of Life1: Food Chain (website) - This lesson may enhance student understanding of the flow of matter and energy and the interdependence of life by focusing on food chains and food webs.

Cycle of Life1
Food Chain,

Assessment Ideas

Have students write a paragraph describing what happens if food is left in the refrigerator for too long. Tell students to be sure also to explain why this happens.

Literature Connections

Decomposers. Kwarta, James (ISBN-13: 978-1435801455)

From Producers to Decomposers. Spilsbury, Louise (ISBN-13: 978-1403455109)

Decomposers. Lappi, Megan (ISBN-13: 978-1616907181)

Food Webs: Interconnecting Food Chains. Gray, Susan (ISBN-13: 978-0756532611)

Pass the Energy, Please! Shaw Mckinney, Barbara (ISBN-13: 978-1584690023

What Are Food Chains and Food Webs? Vogel, Julia (ISBN-13: 978-1602707962)

Related Science TEKS

(5.9B) Energy Flow
The student is expected to describe how the flow of energy derived from the Sun, used by producers to create their own food, is transferred through a food chain and food web to consumers and decomposers.

(5.9C) Changes in Ecosystems
The student is expected to predict the effects of changes in ecosystems caused by living organisms, including humans, such as the overpopulation of grazers or the building of highways.

Additional Resources

Producers, Consumers and Decomposer Game: Sheppard Software (website) - Interactive activity in which students identify various organisms as producers, consumers or decomposers.

Producers, Consumers and Decomposer Game
Sheppard Software,

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Grade 5

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