Compare Sun, Earth and Moon
TEKS Objective
The student is expected to identify and compare the physical characteristics of the Sun, Earth, and Moon.
Essential Understanding
The student knows that there are recognizable patterns in the natural world and among the Sun, Earth and Moon system.
Science Background
Lunar and Planetary Science: NASA (website) - Links to extensive information about Earth, the Moon, and the solar system in various forms.
Lunar and Planetary Science
National Space Science Data Center, NASA,
Our Star, the Sun: NASA (website) - Downloadable, high resolution lithograph features images of the sun and general information, significant dates and interesting facts about the sun.
Signature Lesson
How Big is the Sun? Exploring the Size and Scale of the Sun, Earth and Moon: Eye on the Sky (webiste) - Students make a large-scale model to identify and compare characteristics of the Sun, Earth and Moon.
Have students use information from NASA to make their models as accurate as possible.
Planetary Science
National Space Science Data Center, NASA,
- Supporting Lessons
- Extensions
- Assessment Ideas
- Literature Connections
- Related
TEKS - Additional Resources
Supporting Lessons
Tracking Sunspots: European Space Agency and NASA (website) - Download the PDF and movie files for an activity in which students use real data from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory to track sunspots and study the Sun’s rotation.
Elaboration Lessons and Extensions
Make a Crater: NASA Lunar Prospector (website) - Students investigate the role of an impact object’s velocity and mass in determining the size of craters on Earth, the Moon and other celestial bodies in our solar system.
Make a Crater
NASA Lunar Prospector,
Earth, Moon & Sun Classroom Activities: Morehead Planetarium and Science Center (PDF) -Teacher guide with lessons about the Moon, Earth and Sun from a Native American perspective.
Exploring the Moon Educator Guide: NASA (PDF) – Set of lessons helps students learn about lunar composition, the Apollo missions and future exploration.
Assessment Ideas
Have students write travel brochures for vacation trips to the Sun, Earth and/or Moon, explaining what tourists will see, what they should bring, etc.
Literature Connections
Earth, Sun, Moon. Phelan G. (ISBN: 978-0792245735)
The Amazing Lunar Missions, Vogt, Gregory (ISBN: 0-7660-1306-5)
Sun, Tomecek, Steve (ISBN: 0-792-28200-0)
Where On Earth Am I?, Gardner, Robert (ISBN: 0-531-11297-7)
Earth, Sun, and Moon, Birch, Robin 9ISBN: (0-791-06970-2)
Earth and the Sun, Kalman, Bobbie (ISBN: 0-778-73212-6)
Additional Resources
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory: European Space Agency and NASA (website) - Extensive catalog of downloadable images and videos of the Sun.
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
European Space Agency and NASA,
Photojournal: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (website) - Huge collection of downloadable, high-resolution images of the planets.
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Interactive Learning Experience: Earth, Sun, and Moon (website) – Students fly a space rocket past asteroids to the Earth, and learn about the Earth, Sun and Moon.
Interactive Learning Experience
Earth, Sun, and Moon,
TEKS Navigation
Grade 5
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