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Learned and Instinctive Behaviors

Learned and Instinctive Behaviors

TEKS Objective

Demonstrate that some likenesses between parents and offspring are inherited, passed from generation to generation such as eye color in humans or shapes of leaves in plants. Other likenesses are learned such as table manners or reading a book and seals balancing balls on their noses.

Essential Understanding

The student knows that organisms undergo similar life processes and have structures that help them survive within their environment.

Science Background

Both Environment and Genetic Makeup Influence Behavior: Nature (website) – Good overview of inherited and learned behaviors, and why both are important for the survival of different animal species.

Both Environment and Genetic Makeup Influence Behavior

Elements of Behavior: North Carolina State University Department of Entomology (website) - Description and explanation of different kinds of behavior and learning processes in insects.

Elements of Behavior
North Carolina State University Department of Entomology,

Learning Theory: (website) – Detailed explanations of animal learning, including imprinting, classical conditioning and positive reinforcement.

Learning Theory

Table Manners: Etiquette Scholar (website) – Overview of essential table manners, including how to handle a knife and fork or politely leave the table.

Table Manners
Etiquette Scholar,

Signature Lesson

Animal Instincts: Discovery Education (website) - Student groups investigate different animals and their habitats in order to demonstrate how inherited and learned traits enable animals to survive.

Animal Instincts
Discovery Education,

Supporting Lessons

Pets, Oh Behave: Science NetLinks (website) - Students learn the difference between inherited traits and learned behaviors in pets, and develop an understanding of how innate and learned behaviors, combined with the environment, determine behavior. Includes assessment and extensions.

Pets, Oh Behave
Science NetLinks,

Traits and Traditions: A Make-a-Match Game (PDF) – Students use sets of cards to explore inherited traits and learned traditions or behaviors.

A Make-a-Match Game
Traits and Traditions,

Elaboration Lessons and Extensions

Animal Behavior and Training: Sea World/Busch Gardens (PDF) - This detailed teacher’s guide for an instructional unit on animal training (learned behaviors) includes background information, images, and a wide range of integrated activities that help students understand behavior patterns of humans and marine animals, and to differentiate between learned behaviors and inherited traits.

Animal Behavior and Training
Sea World/Busch Gardens,

Tablescapes, Setting the Table: Captioned Media Program (PDF) - Short lessons on table manners at home and when dining out, and on table settings for different meals.

Tablescapes, Setting the Table
Captioned Media Program,

Assessment Ideas

Family Traits Trivia: Genetic Science Learning Center (PDF) - In this take-home game/activity, students conduct inherited traits surveys of their families. Then, in class, students chart their data and write descriptions of their discoveries.

Family Traits Trivia
Genetic Science Learning Center,

Literature Connections

Where Are Your Manners? Cultural Diversity. Underwood, Deborah (ISBN-13: 978-1410926234)

The Mysteries of Animal Intelligence. Steiger B. and Steiger S. (ISBN-13: 978-0765357489)

Emily Post’s Etiquette, 18th Edition. Post P., Post A., Post L. and Senning, DP. (ISBN-13: 978-0061740237)

Related Science TEKS

(4.10A) Adaptations
The student is expected to explore how structures and functions of plants and animals allow them to survive in a particular environment.

(4.10C) Life Cycles
The student is expected to explore, illustrate, and compare life cycles in living organisms such as butterflies, beetles, radishes, or lima beans.

Related Math TEKS

4.13A  The student is expected to use concrete objects or pictures to make generalizations about determining all possible combinations of a given set of data or of objects in a problem situation.

4.13B   The student is expected to interpret bar graphs.

4.14A  The student is expected to identify the mathematics in everyday situations.

4.14B   The student is expected to solve problems that incorporate understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness.

4.14C   The student is expected to select or develop an appropriate problem-solving plan or strategy, including drawing a picture, looking for a pattern, systematic guessing and checking, acting it out, making a table, working a simpler problem, or working backwards to solve a problem.

Additional Resources

Mealworm Behavior: McGraw Hill (website) – Students investigate and observe instinctive (innate) feeding behaviors of mealworms using this interactive website.

Mealworm Behavior
McGraw Hill,

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