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TEKS Objective

The student is expected to describe and classify samples of matter as solids, liquids, and gases and demonstrate that solids have a definite shape and that liquids and gases take the shape of their container.

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Essential Understanding

The student knows that matter has measurable physical properties and those properties determine how matter is classified, changed, and used.

Science Background

The Science of Air: BioEd Online (video) - Dr. Greg Vogt explains how air occupies space, has weight and exerts pressure, just like all other gases.

The Science of Air
BioEd Online,

Matter is the Stuff Around You: Chem4Kids (website) - Descriptions and illustrations on the five states of matter, including solids.

Matter is the Stuff Around You
by Andrew Rader, Chem4Kids,

States of Matter: Purdue University (website) - Illustrated explanation of the differences between, and behavior of the particles in solids, liquids, and gases.

States of Matter
Purdue University,

Phases of Matter: NASA (website) - This NASA website explores the relationship between molecules and states of matter.

Phases of Matter

Signature Lesson

Gases Matter: BioEd Online (website and video) – Students learn that matter has measureable physical properties, observe how the chemical reaction of baking soda and vinegar produces a gas, and identify the properties that differentiates gas from other forms of matter.

Gases Matter - Download the Lesson
BioEd Online,

Gases Matter - Demonstration Video
BioEd Online,

Supporting Lessons

Moving Air: BioEd Online (website) - Use bubble solution to trap air inside a soda can.  Students will observe how the air contracts and expand due to changes in temperature by watching a membrane of bubble solution covering the opening on the can.

Moving Air
BioEd Online,

Elaboration Lessons and Extensions

States of Matter: Explorit (PDF) - Demonstrations on the states of matter.

States of Matter

Assessment Ideas

Have students create charts that diagram the properties of solids, liquids and gases.

Literature Connections

Solids, Liquids, and Gases. Ontario Science Centre (ISBN-13: 978-1550744019)

Water as a Gas. Frost, Hellen (ISBN-13: 978-0736848763)

Solid, Liquid, Gas. Robinson, Fay (ISBN-13: 978-0516460413)

Solid, Liquid, or Gas? Hewitt, Sally (ISBN-13: 978-0516263939)

States of Matter. Delta Education (ISBN-13: 978-1592422531)

Related Science TEKS

(3.5A) Physical Properties of Matter
The student is expected to measure, test, and record physical properties of matter, including temperature, mass, magnetism, and the ability to sink or float.

Related Math TEKS

3.11E   The student is expected to identify concrete models that approximate standard units for capacity and use them to measure capacity.

3. 14D The student is expected to use tools such as real objects, manipulatives, and technology to solve problems.

Additional Resources

States of Matter: Super Teacher Ideas (website) - Lessons, activities and demonstrations related to matter.

States of Matter
Super Teacher Ideas,

Changing State: BBC (website) - Interactive online game that allows students to explore how changes in temperature can change the state of matter.

Changing State

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