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TEKS Objective

The student is expected to measure, test, and record physical properties of matter, including temperature, mass, magnetism, and the ability to sink or float.

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Essential Understanding

The student knows that matter has measurable physical properties and those properties determine how matter is classified, changed, and used.

Science Background

Earth's Role as an Electromagnet and the Creation of Auroras: NASA (video) - Explanation of Earth’s magnetic field and how auroras are made.

Earth's Role as an Electromagnet and the Creation of Auroras

Magnets and Magnetism: School for Champions (website) - Magnetism is a force of attraction or repulsion that acts at a distance; concepts related to magnets and magnetism are explained clearly.

The Basics of Magnetism
by Ron Kurtus, School for Champions,

Factors Determining Magnetic Properties: School of Champions (website) - Summary explanation of the factors—such as the orientation of electrons, atoms and molecules—that dictate the magnetic properties of different materials.

Factors Determining Magnetic Properties
School of Champions

Signature Lesson

Experimenting with Magnets: Utah Education Network (website) - Students complete four investigations on objects that both attract and repel other magnets.

Experimenting with Magnets
Utah Education Network,

Supporting Lessons

Magnetic Pick-ups: Science NetLinks (website) - Students learn that some materials are attracted to magnets, while others are not.

Magnetic Pick-ups
Science NetLinks,

How Strong is Your Magnet? Science NetLinks (website) - Measure the strength of a magnet and graph how a magnet’s strength changes with distance.

How Strong is Your Magnet?
Science NetLinks,

Elaboration Lessons and Extensions

Magnetic Storm: NOVA Teachers (website) - Activity and student sheets for visualizing magnetic fields.

Magnetic Storm
NOVA Teachers, PBS,

Snacks About Magnetism: The Exploratorium (Website) - A collection of magnetism activities.

Snacks About Magnetism
The Exploratorium,

Assessment Ideas

Provide students with various materials and ask them predict which will be attracted to a magnet and which will not. Then have students confirm their answers with a magnet. Provide each student or group with beakers of water at different temperatures and ask students to measure the different temperatures.

Literature Connections

Physics: Why Matter Matters! Green, D. (ISBN-13: 978-0753462140)

Magnetism: A Question and Answer Book. Richardson, A. (ISBN-13: 978-1429602259)

The Attractive Story of Magnetism with Max Axiom. Gianopoulos, A. (ISBN-13: 978-1429617697)

Magnetic and Non-Magnetic. Royston, Angela (ISBN-13: 978-0431138343)

Related Science TEKS

(3.5D) Mixtures
The student is expected to explore and recognize that a mixture is created when two materials are combined such as gravel and sand and metal and plastic paper clips.

Additional Resources

Magnetism, The Game: GPrime (website) - Fun interactive with multiple levels of difficulty. The player attempts to drop a magnetic ball into a metal plate, adjusting the drop point and direction of the ball to counteract magnets that can change the ball’s path.

Magnetism, The Game

Kitchen Magnets: FOSS (website) - Look around the kitchen to find the household objects listed at the bottom of the page. Click on each object and look inside. How many of these items use an electromagnet?

Kitchen Magnets

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Grade 3

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