Comparing Results

TEKS Objective
The student is expected to compare results of investigations with what students and scientists know about the world.
Essential Understanding
The student develops abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry in classroom and outdoor investigations.
Science Background
Analyze and Draw Conclusions: Discovery Education (website) - This article provides insight on helping students to conducting science investigations, and to look for/identify patterns in the data they collect.
Analyze and Draw Conclusions
Discovery Education,
Data, Analysis and Interpretation: Visionlearning (website) - Detailed information on data collection, analysis, interpretation and dissemination, along with references for further reading and additional learning modules on graphing, statistics and data accuracy.
Signature Lesson
Delta Wing Flyer: PBS Kids (website) - Students create gliders out of paper and drinking straws, and test how different variables (addition of paper clips on different parts of the plane, use of tissue paper instead of newspaper, etc.) impact the distance their gliders fly. Students then record and explain their results, and compare their data to those submitted by other students on the website
- Supporting Lessons
- Extensions
- Assessment Ideas
- Literature Connections
- Related
TEKS - Additional Resources
Supporting Lessons
An Introduction to Inclined Planes: Teach Engineering (website) - Students learn how inclined planes can reduce the work necessary to complete difficult tasks. Includes teacher background, assessments and extensions.
An Introduction to Inclined Planes
Teach Engineering,
Elaboration Lessons and Extensions
ZOOMsci: PBS Kids (website) - Choose from numerous featured experiments to engage your students in a wide range of science investigations requiring data interpretation and analysis, and the construction of explanations from observable and inferred evidence.
Assessment Ideas
Galileo’s Experiments: PBS (website) - Give each student two different sized balls or material (e.g., clay or paper) shaped into balls. Have students predict which ball will drop fastest, and then design/conduct an investigation to test their predictions. Show students the website interactive and have them compare their results to those attained by Galileo.
Literature Connections
So Do You Have a Science Fair Project. Henderson, J. (ISBN-13: 978-0471202561)
Additional Resources
Create a Graph: Kids’ Zone (website) - Learn about different kinds of graphs, which graphs work best for which purpose, and how to communicate information visually by creating graphs and charts.
Create a Graph
Kids' Zone,
Representing Data, Introduction: KS3 Bitesize/BBC (website) - Links to information about creating and understanding the different types of graphs or charts used to organize and represent scientific data: bar charts, line graphs, pictograms, pie charts, frequency diagrams and scatter diagrams.
Representing Data, Introduction
KS3 Bitesize/BBC,
TEKS Navigation
Grade 2
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